University of Siegen:
Dr. Matthias Laschke und Robin Neuhaus
Michael Wagner
Matthias Sirch
Lena Krause
Jane Nathania
Pia Obermaie
Prof. Andreas Muxel
Elias Naphausen
Team project in Interactive Media
How would everyday situations change if robotic chairs move autonomously? What if a chair turns away during a conversation? What if a chair drives me to a stranger? What if a chair takes control without being asked? In collaboration with the Experience & Interaction Design group! of the University of Siegen the students explored robotic chairs as otherware.
We have different relationships with technology. We often think of technology as a tool that is used by humans. »Chairness of a Chair« shows that we are also in dialogue with technology. How do we shape the technical counterpart? How does this change our behavior and where can proactive technology support positive interaction scenarios?
For this purpose, a mobile robotic platform based on hacked hoverboards was developed that enables a playful exploration of these questions. The robotic chairs demonstrate atypical behaviors and the relationship between humans and objects is constantly renegotiated.