Olya Toltinova
Moritz Schmidt
Mathias Hradecsni
Stefanie Rausch
Andreas Muxel
Claudia Meitinger
Jens Müller
This research project aims at providing a natural communication way between a human and a robot in polishing processes. Controls can be performed using simple gestures instead of a programming interface, with the working environment extended by contextual AR.
Users can point out the working areas for the robot with their hands, and see contextualized process information on the relevant robot parts.
The control visualizations and communication with the robot are implemented with the Magic Leap2 AR glasses, providing a seamless blend between digital and real workspace and user mobility.
The project was conceptualized at Augsburg Technical University of Applied Sciences as part of the KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg within the research group Human-machine interaction with intelligent systems. It is iteratively developed, with the concept first presented at the 70. GfA-Frühjahrskongress 2024.
Currently, the project is in the prototyping phase, developed through a series of team hackatons and proof-of-concept videos.
More information can be found on the Technical University of Applied Science Augsburg project page.
Photos: Timo Holzmann
Toltinova, O., Schmidt, M., Hradecsni, M., Meitinger, C., & Muxel, A. (2024). XR-Schnittstelle statt Robot Teach Pendant - Durchgängig von der Aktivierung des Roboters bis zur Delegation von komplexen Aufgaben am Anwendungsfall eines Schleifprozesses. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V. https://doi.org/10.60524/opus-1887